AMSF, a.k.a. Almace Scaffolding, a super-fast Jekyll framework fighting against the website obesity. It supports LiveReload, Sass, HTML minification, inlined stylesheets and more.
- A basic, fully configured Jekyll setup with well-defined Atom feed, sitemap, and Twitter Cards support
- Almace Scaffolding ships a sleek responsive theme, a variant of, looking great on any mordern browsers
- Every minified page generates only one HTTP request
- Minimalism design, No jQuery, no
- Ideal for personal blog, portfolio, product blog and Tumblr-like link blog
- (Maybe) the first template that uses viewport relative units
- Tons of configurable settings for your posts and site customization
- Handcrafted stylesheets. No Bootstrap or other bloated frameworks are used, unminified CSS < 12 KB
- Predefined LESS variables make it easier to change color schemes for different posts
- Default stylesheets for Pygments code highlighting
- Redcarpet as Markdown renderer, tables, footnotes, GFM, smart quotes are supported
- Built with Grunt.js for easy development
- No Internet Explorer support