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Submit your topjekyllthemes

Submit your theme

A guide step-by-step to learn how to submit your theme

Create a Fork

Create your own copy of the repository on GitHub.

Add a new post
  • Duplicate the template.markdown file in the _posts directory.
  • Rename it with the format: YYYY-MM-DD-theme-name.markdown.
  • Replace the placeholder content with your theme's details.
Include a thumbnail
  • Create a 250x200 pixel image for your theme.
  • Place the image in the thumbnails directory.
  • Reference the image filename in your post's markdown.
Add Screenshots
  • Create 1600x900 pixel images showcasing your theme's features.
  • In the screenshots directory, create a new directory with the same name of your theme post (ex: 2022-10-22-my-amazing-theme -without extension) and place the images inside.
  • Reference the image filenames in your post's markdown within the carousel setting array.
Test and share
  • Preview your theme locally to ensure it works as expected.
  • Push your changes to your forked repository.
  • Open a pull request to contribute your theme to our repository.